Sunday, March 3, 2013

Good Bye January

January has been a very wet and dreary month.  I am so ready to put it behind us, hopefully February will be nicer.
Regardless the end of January gets me a little closer to Spring!  I am so over winter.  I am never someone who wishes for winter or cooler weather so when it is here I am just over it.  When it has been as wet as this month has been it just brings you down.
The creek down at the enterance to our neighborhood has had just about all of the rain that it can hold.
Come on February, be a little nicer to us than January was!

A Little Late

Due to the fact that there was some concern over the weather this morning school did not start until 11:00.  This worked for me and the boys.  We enjoyed our relaxing morning, even though we did not sleep too late it was nice just to hang back.  Of course the weather was horrible when it was time to leave so we ended up being about 11:20 getting there.  Fortunately there was no severe weather.

Thank You Parents

This morning even though the rain was soaking them to the bone the 8th grade was handing out thank you gifts to the parents of St. Francis Xavier students.  Since we did not have time for breakfast this morning it was even more appriciated.
Thank you to the students of St. Francis of Xavier for the great gift!  You sure know how to brighten a dreary morning.


Today was pretty much a normal day even though it was Catholic Schools week.  I think that the school could do a lot more making each day a little more memorable for the kids.  Today was just Monday, but there is a lot of concern over a building storm system this Wednesday and so it looks like Mass will be moved from Wednesday until Thursday, better to be safe than sorry is something I definitely agree with!

Catholic Schools Week Begins

Today marks the beginning of Catholic Schools week, which is always a fun week for the students, parents, teachers, and everyone involved in Catholic Schools.
I had a photo shoot at the Botanical Gardens, which 2 very cute little girls who were celebrating their 2nd and 5th birthdays!  I have to say they were precious and their outfits were just tutu cute for words.  One day I will catch up on my other blog and I will go into so many details.
After the Gibbs girls photo shoot I did a quick shoot with the boys.  They were in their uniforms for Mass so I took advantage and got a few cute pictures of them.  They are not the easiest subjects to photograph.  They are way too accustomed to having a camera in their face.  Oh well, it is always fun and I got a few cute ones.

We headed to Mass after the photo shoot.  They were proud to be in their uniforms with so many of their classmates.  They are proud to go to Catholic School and I am proud to send them there.  I pray that we can continue it.


Today we spent most of the day in the car.
Danny had a basketball game at Our Lady of Sorrows at 10:00.  They were playing St. Barnabas.  Considering I will always have a place for SBS in my heart it was great to see them.  Danny's team won and that was with less than half of the team there, Go Saints!!!
John Michael had a game at 3:00 at St. Francis. They were playing St. Aloyisios (sp?).  They did not win.  It is rough being the Kindergarten/1st grade team because you end up playing 1st/2nd grade teams.  Our guys have some great spirit though and I love watching the little guys give it their all.