Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I am BACK!!!

So it has been a while, too long actually.

One thing that I will say about myself is that I love to write and I am going to start doing it again.  I need to for me.  So whether it is a blog about what I think, or what my amazing children are doing, or how our day went it is going to happen.  I do not know that it will be daily as I will also be spending some of my time writing a book.  Oh yes, it is happening.

I am reaching goals in 2017.  I am going to be a better mom, a better wife, a better Christian, and a better friend.  I am going to be better and those around me will be better.

I am taking some time for me this year.  I am losing weight, which I am sure I will chat about some.  I am getting healthy.  I am making positive LIFE changes!  So watch out world I am coming for you!

This entry is short and mostly to say I am back and why!  I hope that you will read and let me know what you think!