Saturday, February 12, 2011

Basketball, Party, Basketball

Today was a great Saturday, as always it was busy, but it was a lot of fun. Any day that is spent with my men is a great day in my opinion and today was just that.

This morning started with Danny's basketball game. The St. Francis Xavier Saints went to St. Rose Academy for basketball this morning and came out on top. The score was 20-11. This was the closest game that the boys have had to date. I was so glad that they won and have maintained the undefeated season. One more game and then they can claim the Toy Bowl trophy. We shall see how it all happens. They have a break next weekend and then they go to Our Lady of the Valley for their final game.

When we came home Danny and I got to work in his room. He cleaned off his desk, dresser and nightstand while I tackled his closet and his drawers. I still have the closet floor and the shelf in the top of it to completely be done in there. We still have a lot to do in his room, but we made a HUGE dent today. I also have the three drawers in his bed. Since we are not going to the morning Mass but to the 4:30 PM Mass I am hoping that we can finish it up in the morning. It would be a GREAT Valentine's Day present to me!

We had a birthday party and the boys had a blast. They always have a good time with Sasha and Conner and with even more kids added to the mix the good times were even more in abundance. Of course Sasha's birthday just reminds me that my babies birthday is around the corner. These kiddos are growing up so fast. I remember when Amy and I were waddling around Wal-Mart trying to go into labor.

We finished up tonight with a trip to the UAB game. UAB vs. Rice. It was a great game and we were glad to see the Blazers come out on top. This was a cub scout trip and those boys got a kick out of being called out by the announcer! Pack 357, had a great time at the game! I am going to see about getting some patches made for them, we will see what I can come up with. I don't think I will have it for the Pack meeting this month, but hopefully the blue and gold.

Well, it is definitely not before 9, but I knew that was not going to happen today. Before I go to bed, which will be in a moment, I pray for all of my family and friends. You guys are amazing!

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