Monday, August 8, 2011

Doctors and School Supplies

Well this morning started early, not only did I get up at 5, but the boys also decided that they would get up at 5. Needless to say we were on schedule today.

John Michael had an appointment with the ENT to see about tubes, this will be his second set. They definitely are going to do the surgery and they will also be removing his adenoids. He has one eardrum that is inverted, but the positive thing is that his hearing is not affected at all. While he and I went to the doctor Danny went to work with Brandon, which was just fine with him. He loves going to the Network.

We all met up for lunch, and I got Danny and Brandon got John Michael. Danny had his 8 year old check up at 2. Dr. Lytle was very pleased with Danny and how well he has been doing. He gave us the form for the inhaler at school, and that was done. Other than the wait, which was not as bad as it has been in the past, it was a pleasant trip.

Danny and I got home and labeled all of the school supplies. They have been in the den and in the foyer for weeks, but I have not been able to label them. Well, it had to be today, since we are taking them to the classroom tomorrow. I have laughed at the difference in their stacks. As Danny is going into 3rd grade a lot of the larger items (paper towels, baby wipes, etc) have been removed from the list. The Kindergarten list was definitely rocking and is still missing 2 items. I cannot find a paint brush that they are supposed to have or the size glue that they are supposed to have. I will ask the teacher tomorrow though and get it to them.

Brandon and John Michael got home and I got dinner ready. After dinner it was shower/bath time, and within an hour the boys were asleep. I was dosing on the couch myself, and should have just gone on to bed, but that would make too much sense.

Well, I am off to bed now though, still before 11, so I am pumped, but it seriously could have been 8, which would have been nice. I will say a prayer for you all before I go to bed.

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