This morning I got up did my workout, got in the shower, got ready, got the boys up and then laid back down and wanted to go back to bed...that is what a rainy Monday will do to you. I had to get the office task started though so I took the boys to school, came home and got to work. Fortunately I got everything that I needed together, so now it is just a matter of getting everything compiled. There is a lot going on at the schools the next two weeks so I will be busy, but it will all be good.
Today was the only day that Danny will wear his regular uniform to school. Tomorrow it is the scout uniform, Wednesday mass uniform, Thursday he has on out of uniform day, and Friday is his spirit uniform. Wow! Hopefully I can keep it all straight in the morning. I actually plan to lay out his scout uniform tonight so that should help...hopefully!
We laughed at John Michael tonight he did not like what we were having for dinner so he opted for his lunchable. The thing is I only buy them when they are on sale or when I have a coupon, and I never get the one with a drink. Anyway, he has one for tomorrow and then it is sandwiches. He made a "sandwich" that was too big too pick up. He proceeded to break it down and then he dunked it in his milk. It was pretty gross, but he liked it and I used it as a photo opportunity.
Well I am headed to bed! It is a little after 9, but I am getting closer. Before I go to bed i continue to remember all of my friends and family in my prayers. You are all so amazing and I am thankful to have you in my life. I am also praying for all Catholic schools as Catholic Schools week continue!